You can easily make your smartphone a wireless mouse, know how | अपने स्मार्टफोन को आसानी से वायरलेस माउस बना सकते हैं, जानिए कैसे

You can easily make your smartphone a wireless mouse, know-how
Hello guys! how are you? You are very welcome to our blog Abhishek InfoTech. Friends, I will tell you how you can convert your Android Smartphone into a wireless mouse. Meaning that you can use the wired mouse for your laptop computer with the help of your Smartphone, so friends, let’s know about it
Friends, many people use laptops and computers, with which they also have to use the mouse. However, there is no need for a separate mouse in a laptop. Because the laptop already has a mouse pad. However, many people use the mouse separately by attaching it to the laptop and you have to keep the wired mouse attached to the laptop or computer, so you cannot use it by keeping the mouse far away. However, there are also wireless icons available in the market which are also used to keep them away from the laptop or computer. But wireless mouse is very expensive due to which people do not know to buy it, but do you know that you can make wireless mouse without any expense? All you will need for this is Android Smartphone. You can use your old Android Smartphone.

You need to install an app to make friends Smartphone a wireless mouse. The name of this app is keyboard app AndroMouse 3.0 or AndroMouse 6.0. This app can be downloaded for free from Google Play Store. It can also be downloaded to your PC, here its name is AndroMouse Server 3.0. After downloading the app on the laptop computer, you open your app, after opening the app there you will see IP Adress, it is unique in every computer or any device. Take note of this IP address, after that you install the app in your Android Smartphone and open it. Here you will see two options, the first option will be wi-fi and second will be Bluetooth. In this, you select wi-fi. After that enter the IP address you have noted and connect it to the mobile app. As soon as it is connected then after that you will be able to use your Smartphone as a wireless mouse.

अपने स्मार्टफोन को आसानी से वायरलेस माउस बना सकते हैं, जानिए कैसे